Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Aryn Update!
I know, I know... I haven't posted anything about Aryn since her birthday. I'm an awful mom!! We have been extremely busy - me with work and with Aryn, and family things and just that crazy thing called life. In the last couple of months, Aryn has gone from being a super cute baby girl to an absolutely adorable and busy toddler. She's not the same little person any more!! And we are loving every minute of it!!
At the end of October was Ryan's sister Karrie's wedding. Aryn literally decided to start walking that weekend and she was quite the little hit at the wedding. She crawled and walked all over the reception hall, climbing onto random people's laps and playing with all of their utensils.
She also began wearing disposable diapers for trips and at night. I am extremely proud to say: Aryn is a 11+ hour sleeper!!! In bed at 8pm, up any time between 7-9am.
I had to buy Aryn some new shoes with velcro because apparently, my fat-footed little girl cannot fit into ANY shoes. She's in size 5 shoes now and they're the only ones that allow those huge monstrosities she calls "feet" slip in. It's unbelievable!! However, these velcro shoes don't stay on long enough to to be used. They are the first thing taken off and thrown!
The last week or so, I've gotten soooo excited for Christmas this year. I get to spoil a little person and watch her come downstairs in the morning, ready to open presents. Last year she was only a couple months old and didn't care so much. This year is going to be wonderful!!
We also experienced her first Halloween - and it was awesome!! We met up with our Baby & Me group (who I just LOVE!) and we all walked around Cambridge area in Strathmore with our littles. Here's the group!
We trick-or-treated and we got quite the little loot! Aryn wasn't too impressed at the beginning, but she got much happier when we got home haha!
My little ladybug!!
Since November hit, Aryn has become an only-walker. Meaning, she no longer crawls. However, over the last couple of days, she's been crawling everywhere which is really weird!!
Aryn's sense of humour has really began to flourish. She laughs and laughs all day long. She LOVES going on the couch (my little weirdo) and stealing my cell phone (and apparently calling 911!).
She loves to shove every toy in her mouth, put blankets on her head, wrap mommy's pashmina's around her neck, and play hide-n-go-seek (which is more like walking behind the couch and peering out to see if I'm chasing her).
And she loooooooves Bauer.
Aryn's lastest thing is climbing. She climbs on everything. Her short, fat legs are finally long enough to get her to the next level. She's hurt herself more in the last week with the climbing than ever before but she LOVES it. Favourites: climbing on her green table (see photo!), and climbing onto our bed. And using me to help her climb onto the couch. That couch is her favourite!

She also loves the "PSYCH!" game. She'll hand you, or me, or Bauer the snack she has in her hand, and just as you're about to take it, or eat it, she whips it away and shoves it in her mouth. She thinks it's hilarious.
Breakfast, lunch and supper are now Bauer's most favourites times of the day. He sits by her chair and waits. She will look at me, take a piece of food (because I'm dumb and can't see her), and sloooooowwwlllyyyyyy lowers her arm over her high chair. Then Bauer jumps and eats it from her hand. She thinks this is hilaAAAArious. Bauer is now on a serious diet because he's getting too fat!!
Aryn has recently begun throwing little "fits." And by "fits," I mean they cannot be called fits because they're hilarious. She sticks out her 2 lower teeth, and holds her arms out and she vibrates. She's just SO PISSED she's vibrating. Again... it's hilarious. And then she whines because we're laughing at her. It's quite the spectacle.
Aryn, honey.... you bring more joy to us every day than I could have EVER imagined. You light up our lives and I look forward to whenever you wake up every morning so that I can see you. I can't WAIT for you to wake up in the morning!!! How's that for love?! You are beautiful, hilarious, frustrating, and perfect. I can't wait to see what new ventures are coming your way... and what an exciting Christmas we'll have this year!!! I can't wait to see how spoiled you get!!! Mommy and daddy love you so much and thank you for choosing us to be your parents!!
At the end of October was Ryan's sister Karrie's wedding. Aryn literally decided to start walking that weekend and she was quite the little hit at the wedding. She crawled and walked all over the reception hall, climbing onto random people's laps and playing with all of their utensils.
This is the dress she wore!
She also began wearing disposable diapers for trips and at night. I am extremely proud to say: Aryn is a 11+ hour sleeper!!! In bed at 8pm, up any time between 7-9am.
I had to buy Aryn some new shoes with velcro because apparently, my fat-footed little girl cannot fit into ANY shoes. She's in size 5 shoes now and they're the only ones that allow those huge monstrosities she calls "feet" slip in. It's unbelievable!! However, these velcro shoes don't stay on long enough to to be used. They are the first thing taken off and thrown!
This is not a photo of the shoes, but I had no where else to put this picture and it's hilarious!
The last week or so, I've gotten soooo excited for Christmas this year. I get to spoil a little person and watch her come downstairs in the morning, ready to open presents. Last year she was only a couple months old and didn't care so much. This year is going to be wonderful!!
We also experienced her first Halloween - and it was awesome!! We met up with our Baby & Me group (who I just LOVE!) and we all walked around Cambridge area in Strathmore with our littles. Here's the group!
Our baby group!!
My little ladybug!!
Since November hit, Aryn has become an only-walker. Meaning, she no longer crawls. However, over the last couple of days, she's been crawling everywhere which is really weird!!
Aryn's sense of humour has really began to flourish. She laughs and laughs all day long. She LOVES going on the couch (my little weirdo) and stealing my cell phone (and apparently calling 911!).
She loves to shove every toy in her mouth, put blankets on her head, wrap mommy's pashmina's around her neck, and play hide-n-go-seek (which is more like walking behind the couch and peering out to see if I'm chasing her).
And she loooooooves Bauer.
(ok, that's not Bauer, but ... close enough?)
Aryn's lastest thing is climbing. She climbs on everything. Her short, fat legs are finally long enough to get her to the next level. She's hurt herself more in the last week with the climbing than ever before but she LOVES it. Favourites: climbing on her green table (see photo!), and climbing onto our bed. And using me to help her climb onto the couch. That couch is her favourite!

She also loves the "PSYCH!" game. She'll hand you, or me, or Bauer the snack she has in her hand, and just as you're about to take it, or eat it, she whips it away and shoves it in her mouth. She thinks it's hilarious.
Aryn has recently begun throwing little "fits." And by "fits," I mean they cannot be called fits because they're hilarious. She sticks out her 2 lower teeth, and holds her arms out and she vibrates. She's just SO PISSED she's vibrating. Again... it's hilarious. And then she whines because we're laughing at her. It's quite the spectacle.
Aryn, honey.... you bring more joy to us every day than I could have EVER imagined. You light up our lives and I look forward to whenever you wake up every morning so that I can see you. I can't WAIT for you to wake up in the morning!!! How's that for love?! You are beautiful, hilarious, frustrating, and perfect. I can't wait to see what new ventures are coming your way... and what an exciting Christmas we'll have this year!!! I can't wait to see how spoiled you get!!! Mommy and daddy love you so much and thank you for choosing us to be your parents!!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Videos for Granny Bina!
Aryn dancing (October 2011):
Aryn first walking (end of October 2011):
Aryn walks all the time now! (November 2011):
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Whoops, haven't updated in awhile!
I've really been slacking in the blogosphere lately. The last 5 weeks or so have been filled with laughter, tears and frustrations... and poosplosions. Seriously, it's been a crazy 5 weeks!
I haven't even blogged about Aryn's 1st birthday!!!! Wow.... I am really slacking!! So I'll make it quick: it was, in 1 word, awesome.
It started on your actual birthday, when mommy invited all of your Baby & Me friends over for a playdate. We had cheesecake cupcakes and you all played for a couple of hours. It was awesome! You even got some presents from your little friends! Mommy is very grateful for the Baby & Me group - you've made some great friends in the group and mommy really enjoys spending time with all of the other mamas!!
Then, we had Grammy and Grampy over for supper and we had meatloaf (your favourite as of right now!) and a big carrot cake. Mmmm it was sooo good!
What did grammy and grampy get you?? A big outdoor playcentre with a swing and slide!!!! You looove the swing!!
Then, on Saturday, September 17, we had a whole bunch of people over to celebrate YOU. Grampy made some delicious cupcakes (as it was the theme!), you had a beautiful dress made just for you, and everyone played and had a blast!! You were so spoiled and you got so many toys and clothes.
Uncle Curtis and Auntie Jill even stayed over night with their little man, Kaeson, and we had a great time with them too!!
After Aryn's super awesome 1st birthday, she went from being my baby to being my toddler. She just grew up! I noticed it that day; she was no longer a baby. She is always standing up on furniture, walking along furniture and toys (she still has yet to let go and walk on her own... 13 months and counting, little one!! Walk!), and turbo crawling after Bauer.
One thing that has really developed the last few weeks is her humour. This kid is friggen hilarious. She SCREAMS in delight. She loves being scared, chased, and bugged. I still believe that if she was born as a second child, she'd be happier because she always wants attention and someone to play with!
Oh my sweet little girl. I love you so much!!
Also, in the last 5 weeks, Aryn has gotten not 1, not 2, but FIVE NEW TEETH! With one more on the horizon. Dear Lord.... WHAT were you thinking?! What did we do to deserve that?? On the teething chart, a child is supposed to get much of their teeth by 1 year. Not us. In a matter of 1 month, Aryn got her 4 front top teeth and the one to the left of her 2 bottom teeth is poking through. The one to the right of her two bottom teeth is swelling her gums so I'm sure that's coming too.
And the diaper rash.
Dear Lord please...... heal that diaper rash.
From being woken up to painful gums, to poosplosions that were - literally - poosplosions, to trying to rip off her diaper to soothe her poor rashed-up skin.... this kid has had one awful, sleepless night after another.
Mama is tired. Daddy is tired. And Bauer wishes you'd let him cuddle in peace.
But with some new medicated cream (I buckled and decided to cancel my plan of healing your rash with all-natural ingredients), some Polysporin, naked bum time (and pee and poop on the floor!) and multiple night time diaper changes, it looks like we're on the road to recovery.
I hope!!!
But all of these challenges this month aside, you have made us smile more than ever before!! You are sooo funny and sweet. You give the best little kisses, and you are always running to us to give us hugs and cuddles. You love books, and throwing toys and playing with the expensive electronics we have rather than any of the billion toys you have.
And you looooove Bauer. You love playing with Bauer. You grab Beary or Bunny, shove it in Bauer's face, squeal with delight, and then throw it so that he runs after it. Then he brings it back to you, and you do it all over again. Daddy and I have watched you two play for up to 5 minutes at a time. This is ground-breaking!
But, if you EVER try to touch Bauer - even his toe - he will snarl at you and run away. Playing and feeding him is ok, apparently, but no touching. No touching.
You love your walks. Whenever you get whiny for no reason, I put you in the stroller and go for a nice walk and you talk talk talk talk talk the whole way. You help me hold Bauer's leash, you smile at strangers, you point at whatevers, and you do everything you can to take your touque off. Simple love.
And your smiles. Ohhh Aryn, your smile. You started this whole cheesy grin thing a few months back and recently, you do it all the time. And it's hilarious. You give the cheesy grin to strangers, to mommy, to daddy, to the grandparents... and sometimes you do this *sniff*sniff*sniff* thing when you do it. It's so funny and you know it.
At 1 year old, I've read there are certain things you "should" be doing. But you are content (or is it lazy?) and don't want to, and while some moms would be worried, I am not. Why? Because you make up for it in other ways. Sure, you hold your legs up like us making you walk is the plague, but you are always doing everything possible to make us smile. Like crawling over to me, hugging my leg, and handing me a toy to play with you, or flipping through books, or playing with Bauer, or ... whatever. Everything you do, you always stop, look at us, make sure we're smiling, and continue on. If we're not smiling, you stop, come to us, and try to make us smile.
That, my sweet girl, is what makes you wonderful.
What is NOT wonderful, however, is your incessant need to clear off your high chair tray. No matter what is on your tray, no matter if you like the food or hate it, you try to throw it on the ground. Then you look, watch Bauer eat it, then throw him more food. It DRIVES.US.CRAZY. I've said no, I've slapped your little hand (obviously not hard enough because you squeal and laugh), and I've taken your food away. You continue to throw your food on the floor. I wish you would stop. Please, stop!!!
What else....
You talk talk talk. You make no sense (except when you say "Dannnnceee" and then you proceed to dance), but you just babble away like you are telling us the best story. And you use your hands in your stories and it's so hilarious.
And your dancing. You shake that booty like you're auditioning for So You Think You Can Dance. You hold your hand out, move your legs and your bum, and really groove. And to everything - whether it's the Parks & Recreation theme song, or a Hallmark commercial, you are dancing.
Aryn, you make us smile literally every day. Mommy and daddy love you soooo much!!!!
I haven't even blogged about Aryn's 1st birthday!!!! Wow.... I am really slacking!! So I'll make it quick: it was, in 1 word, awesome.
It started on your actual birthday, when mommy invited all of your Baby & Me friends over for a playdate. We had cheesecake cupcakes and you all played for a couple of hours. It was awesome! You even got some presents from your little friends! Mommy is very grateful for the Baby & Me group - you've made some great friends in the group and mommy really enjoys spending time with all of the other mamas!!
Then, we had Grammy and Grampy over for supper and we had meatloaf (your favourite as of right now!) and a big carrot cake. Mmmm it was sooo good!
What did grammy and grampy get you?? A big outdoor playcentre with a swing and slide!!!! You looove the swing!!
Then, on Saturday, September 17, we had a whole bunch of people over to celebrate YOU. Grampy made some delicious cupcakes (as it was the theme!), you had a beautiful dress made just for you, and everyone played and had a blast!! You were so spoiled and you got so many toys and clothes.
Uncle Curtis and Auntie Jill even stayed over night with their little man, Kaeson, and we had a great time with them too!!
After Aryn's super awesome 1st birthday, she went from being my baby to being my toddler. She just grew up! I noticed it that day; she was no longer a baby. She is always standing up on furniture, walking along furniture and toys (she still has yet to let go and walk on her own... 13 months and counting, little one!! Walk!), and turbo crawling after Bauer.
Giving her baby kisses!
Oh my sweet little girl. I love you so much!!
Also, in the last 5 weeks, Aryn has gotten not 1, not 2, but FIVE NEW TEETH! With one more on the horizon. Dear Lord.... WHAT were you thinking?! What did we do to deserve that?? On the teething chart, a child is supposed to get much of their teeth by 1 year. Not us. In a matter of 1 month, Aryn got her 4 front top teeth and the one to the left of her 2 bottom teeth is poking through. The one to the right of her two bottom teeth is swelling her gums so I'm sure that's coming too.
And the diaper rash.
Dear Lord please...... heal that diaper rash.
From being woken up to painful gums, to poosplosions that were - literally - poosplosions, to trying to rip off her diaper to soothe her poor rashed-up skin.... this kid has had one awful, sleepless night after another.
This is Aryn and her BFF Keegan!
But with some new medicated cream (I buckled and decided to cancel my plan of healing your rash with all-natural ingredients), some Polysporin, naked bum time (and pee and poop on the floor!) and multiple night time diaper changes, it looks like we're on the road to recovery.
I hope!!!
But all of these challenges this month aside, you have made us smile more than ever before!! You are sooo funny and sweet. You give the best little kisses, and you are always running to us to give us hugs and cuddles. You love books, and throwing toys and playing with the expensive electronics we have rather than any of the billion toys you have.
And you looooove Bauer. You love playing with Bauer. You grab Beary or Bunny, shove it in Bauer's face, squeal with delight, and then throw it so that he runs after it. Then he brings it back to you, and you do it all over again. Daddy and I have watched you two play for up to 5 minutes at a time. This is ground-breaking!
But, if you EVER try to touch Bauer - even his toe - he will snarl at you and run away. Playing and feeding him is ok, apparently, but no touching. No touching.
You love your walks. Whenever you get whiny for no reason, I put you in the stroller and go for a nice walk and you talk talk talk talk talk the whole way. You help me hold Bauer's leash, you smile at strangers, you point at whatevers, and you do everything you can to take your touque off. Simple love.
And your smiles. Ohhh Aryn, your smile. You started this whole cheesy grin thing a few months back and recently, you do it all the time. And it's hilarious. You give the cheesy grin to strangers, to mommy, to daddy, to the grandparents... and sometimes you do this *sniff*sniff*sniff* thing when you do it. It's so funny and you know it.
At 1 year old, I've read there are certain things you "should" be doing. But you are content (or is it lazy?) and don't want to, and while some moms would be worried, I am not. Why? Because you make up for it in other ways. Sure, you hold your legs up like us making you walk is the plague, but you are always doing everything possible to make us smile. Like crawling over to me, hugging my leg, and handing me a toy to play with you, or flipping through books, or playing with Bauer, or ... whatever. Everything you do, you always stop, look at us, make sure we're smiling, and continue on. If we're not smiling, you stop, come to us, and try to make us smile.
That, my sweet girl, is what makes you wonderful.
What is NOT wonderful, however, is your incessant need to clear off your high chair tray. No matter what is on your tray, no matter if you like the food or hate it, you try to throw it on the ground. Then you look, watch Bauer eat it, then throw him more food. It DRIVES.US.CRAZY. I've said no, I've slapped your little hand (obviously not hard enough because you squeal and laugh), and I've taken your food away. You continue to throw your food on the floor. I wish you would stop. Please, stop!!!
What else....
You talk talk talk. You make no sense (except when you say "Dannnnceee" and then you proceed to dance), but you just babble away like you are telling us the best story. And you use your hands in your stories and it's so hilarious.
And your dancing. You shake that booty like you're auditioning for So You Think You Can Dance. You hold your hand out, move your legs and your bum, and really groove. And to everything - whether it's the Parks & Recreation theme song, or a Hallmark commercial, you are dancing.
Aryn, you make us smile literally every day. Mommy and daddy love you soooo much!!!!
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