Monday, May 30, 2011


On May 25, at 5:20am, I woke Aryn up from her deep slumber, got her dressed, put her in the carseat, and we raced to the airport for our very first trip together to Montreal to visit family!! I was nervous and afraid of how the trip would go. Would she cry the whole time? How would she sleep; she likes to sleep on her own, not cuddled with me - how would we do that? How would I feed her?

Cutest kid ever, right??

We got to the airport and I realized I forgot her breakfast and yoghurt in the fridge. Awesome. So now to top off my fears, I have to do this with a kid who likes her food and has none!!!

All of my fears were quickly set aside as we took off. I mean, the worst part of the trip was trying to collapse the damned stroller!! There are 4 buttons you have to press - in a certain order, no less - to make that thing collapse. Who thought that trick up!?!?! 1-button release is ALL it should be, people.

Big girl sitting in the airplane seat all by herself!

Aryn sat in the seat next to me as I grabbed some Cheerios and mushed up her banana. That was my makeshift breakfast. I nursed her as we took off, which was quite unsuccessful since she hates the nursing cover and was much more interested in looking around at all the people talking. I don't think it would be very polite of me to ask everyone to shut up for 5 minutes so I can nurse my kid, haha!

I had countless people come up to me to tell me how adorable my little girl is. The flight attendant even asked to hold her because she was so cute. That's right, lady 5 rows back with a not-as-cute-as-my-kid kid!! Aryn smiled at everyone. That big, 2-toothed smile. She even tried to stand on her tip toes to see behind me so I held her up by her gams- I mean, legs - and she smiled at everyone (with a soft "awwwwwwww" from everyone behind us). Thankfully the flight wasn't too booked so the 3-seater we were in allowed for an empty seat next to us to lay her down and have a nice hour-long nap.

She was an angel!

We got to Montreal and when she saw Grammy and Grampy, her feet and hands started shaking in excitement! We drove to my grandmother's house and again, I was nervous that Aryn would just cry because she tends to not like strangers.


Right when we got there; everyone talking about how Aryn rolls her feet and hands when she's happy.

This kid smiled and laughed and played for her great granny Bina! She was, again, amazing.

Who needs toys when you have Glad??

Even Granny got in on the Elmo fun!

Our trip was wonderful. Aryn got spoiled by everyone, she got huge cuddles and love from her wonderful Aunt Shirley, she got to meet her cousins Tim and Chris, she got to meet my mom's sisters Bella (Yvon), Maria and her brother Frank. We didn't get to meet any cousins on my mom's side, which is very unfortunate, but maybe next time.


Aryn meeting Auntie Maria

Aryn and Taunte Alida

Meeting Tim and Chris!

We went to the Jean Talon Market (my favourite place in Montreal, and I am still having a tough time buying fruit from No Frills after experiencing the Jean Talon Market!), we went to the cemetery to see my Grandpa Jack's and my granny Helen's grave.

Apparently photos of Maurice Richard's headstone is much more important than family.

It rained most of the time but we got to have long, beautiful walks with huge maple trees and gorgeous greenery.

Who needs to crawl when you can do the splits?!

Aryn was constipated (poor thing!) and got a bit grumpy sometimes, but she was always smiling when she was! She didn't get her normal naps and didn't sleep very well at night (away from home), but she was a real trooper. Even with sometimes 2 20-minute naps, she was still smiling and laughing and being a real sport. I mean, seriously - the poor kid barely slept the whole time we were gone!

Cuddles with Great Granny Bina!

Great Granny Bina LOVED her, and I am so grateful that she got to meet Aryn. It's a trip I'll never forget.


The flight back was a bit different. While the flight was an hour late, that meant that we were leaving right at supper time for Aryn (I worked really hard to keep her on the same Calgary schedule, and not mess her up with the 2-hour time difference). I fed her on the plane and then she was soooo tired and soooo wired that her eyes were red but she was jumping and trying to play. Thank God for Grammy and Grampy to help out! We finally got her to sleep and she slept most of the flight, but she went down with a real fight hahaha!!

Learning to walk...

Aryn, you were a wonderful little traveller and it made me realize that even though I have you on a pretty good schedule, you are very easy to manoeuvre and I feel like I can start doing a lot more things without worrying about your sleep!! And since we've gotten back, you have been an awesome sleeper!! Mommy and daddy love you soooo much and we're so proud of you!! I know you won't remember this trip, but the rest of us will and we're so glad that you are a part of our lives. We love you!!

Everyone singing "Skinamarinkidinkidink". It was a big hit.

Friday, May 13, 2011

8 Months Old!

Do you realize that means in 4 months Aryn is turning ONE?!?!?! *thud* No! Say it isn't so!

First time at the zoo on May 4 with friends Erin, Eliana and Grady!

I can honestly say that this past month has been my favourite yet. Aryn has changed so much and I'm starting to learn a bit about her little personality and I am just in LOVE with her. She is hilarious, sweet, curious and... well, loud. She makes me laugh, and I miss her even when she's asleep (but not enough to wake her... she does that on her own!).


Everyday I read Facebook status' of people writing about their kids and what mistevious things they're getting into. And as of right now, Aryn is my little toadstool, not moving a muscle. If a toy is too far for her, she will reach, reach, reeeeaaaaccchhh until she grabs it. And, if it's still out of reach, no worries. There are other toys closer that she can play with. And when I come near, she'll reach for it again so that I bring it to her. She has zero desire to move, crawl, walk, anything. She's happy being planted in one spot. And, honestly, as a working mommy, I am quite content with it too!!

I put her like this... she didn't go anywhere

She does, however, LOVE to stand up. Just on Wednesday (May 11), Aryn learned to move her legs when you stand up with her so that she can "walk". Her left leg lags behind a bit but her right leg lunges forward with gusto! She always wants to stand, and when I have to sit her down, she's like a 2x4 board with super stiff legs. I have to lay her down on her back and then raise her torso to get her into a seated position. It's hilarious. But now I can prop her up against something sturdy like a bed and she'll stand there, happy as a clam. Not bouncing, not moving, not doing anything other than standing there, wobbly, and proud of herself.




*side note, I did turn my back once while she was standing on a toy and she fell, whacking her face on the toy and, in turn, our first bloodshed. I felt awful and it bled for like 2 hours!! Poor nugget! But she only cried for maybe 20 seconds and it never seemed to bother her after that.

Everything in the mouth. EVERYTHING. (including camera)

Aryn is a huge food lover. She also loves to share her cookies with Bauer. She has these rice cake cookies that she loves - she prefers the plain over the veggie or banana flavours - and will hold out a piece for Bauer, who will take it, then drop it when he sees me giving him the evil eye, and Aryn will swoop it up and eat it so quickly so that Bauer doesn't get it again. I've caught them doing this 3 times now. I think this is how she's going to win Bauer over.


But she loves her food. She loves to eat, she loves different foods, the only thing I've found she doesn't like is a concoction of cucumbers, carrots, avocado, mint leaves and cereal. That was a no-go. But everything else - carrots, squash, mango, banana, sweet potatoes, peas, broccoli, pears... they are all huge thumbs up. All of her food is homemade (except the cereals) and I made some beets but I haven't brought myself to try them yet. I don't want them to dye her beautiful diapers!!

First time on the swing!!

My absolute FAVOURITE thing that Aryn does now is cuddling. Be still my heart. Aryn puts her head down on my shoulder, she gives me hugs, she strokes my hair. It makes my heart jump every single time. She also plays shy. When Ryan comes in and I'm holding her, he'll go to give her a million kisses and she'll squeal, put her head on my shoulder and her face away from him, hide, then look back at him with a big smile, waiting for more. It's hilarious, and I love it.

A glimpse at the head tilt!

And the squealing. This kid squeals! And talks! Ba ba ba ba, Ma ma ma ma, Da da da da, I'm a bad man, Paa paa pa pa, Blah blah blah blah. It's cute, hilarious, and loud. Sometimes when she's really excited she squeals super high pitched and shakes. Or, when I'm taking too long bringing her her supper or breakfast, she'll yell. And I am not kidding - she'll YELL. And bang the high chair until I bring her food. Then she scarfs it down like I haven't fed her for days. My little tank.


Aryn has learned to sleep on her stomach, and it seems to be the preferred method of sleep. She does not, however, know how to roll from her stomach to her back. So now we are waking up 2-5 times a night to roll her onto her back (and by "we" I mean "me" haha). Once on her back, she arches and rolls right back onto her stomach, only to get mad again. Honey... pleeeease figure out how to roll onto your back. Mommy would love it.

Aryn and her cousin Veronica are BEST friends.

Aryn is still obsessed with Bauer, and knows where he is at all times. He still hates her, except when she has food, and jumps away from her like a little jack rabbit when she reaches for him. She just LOVES him.

Also her new thing: the "cheesy grin"!!

Aryn doesn't not like much. She smiles ALL.THE.TIME. I'm not even exaggerating. The kid is always smiling. She is the happiest little girl I've ever seen. She rarely cries, and when she does it's either at night and she's on her stomach or she's hurt. She is happy, she loves everything. Especially walks. There was a time when she slept on her walks. Nope, not anymore. She may miss something!! Her eyes are wide, looking around, and always watching Bauer walk in front of her.


Something else that's funny about this kid is her toys. She loves the loud ones (grrr) - I mean, LOVES the loud ones. But she prefers to turn them over so that she can scratch the backs of them. Always scratching. My skin, my nose, the chair, the pillows, the floor, the bed, the backs of the toys. Always learning, always feeling. I love it.

Aryn's Easter dress, courtesy of Grammy & Grampy Sobol!

And last but not least... ELMO. Aryn, you LOVE Elmo. I turn it on and you squeal and laugh and smile and wave at the tv. I didn't even know you could wave! But you do - at Elmo! You love him, but you lose interest when Mr. Noodle or the other skits come on. I wish I could find a movie of JUST Elmo. But, alas, nothing yet. Which may be good because his voice drives mommy crazy!

Watching Elmo!

Honey, you are my beautiful, beautiful baby girl. I love your bright firey orange hair, your bright red cheeks, your big beautiful 2-toothed smile (oh yeah! We got TEETH!!!) and your sweet cuddles. And don't forget the high fives!! You make everyday so much better and I can't wait to spend each next day with you!!

We love you!!

Think they look alike??

Grandma Geremia with her grandbabies

Sunday, May 8, 2011

1st Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!!!

I have been excited to celebrate Mother's Day for quite some time now. Last year I was pregnant, the year before I was still sad from our miscarriage, and this year I woke up (at 6:50am...) to a super smiley and giggling baby girl. This kid sure knows how to work it.

I fed her, changed her, and then brought her back to our bed for some snuggles. And what did I see when I got back to bed??





I am so lucky.

The necklace is sapphire - Aryn's birthstone. So thoughtful. This man makes my heart melt!!