Monday, March 14, 2011

6 Months

6 Month Weight: 17 lbs 11 3/4 ounces
26.5" long

The last month just flew by. I was sitting here watching Aryn play this weekend and thinking about how fast the last 6 months went by. There were days where it seemed like everything was in slow motion - like that particular stage was NEVER going to end. Then it did, and ZOOM! we sped past 3 stages all at the same time. I am amazed every single day at what this kid is learning and experiencing and developing. She becomes more and more beautiful everyday, and I love watching her grow.


Favourite things:

- Bath time is still an all-time favourite. She is remarkably smart. She kicks the water, knowing full well that the splashing makes the toys come towards her. Smartest kid ever? I think so!


- Bauer. Still. This kid will be playing or talking or eating and BAM - Bauer makes a noise somewhere in the house and she is straining her neck to find him. Then she sees him and her eyes are focused on that dog - and NOTHING will take her attention away. She loves him. She pets him, and tries to play with him, we've given her treats to give to him, and he still hates that she has taken away the attention he used to get from us hahaha. It's hilarious.



- Food. Ohh my, does this kid love food. I've been giving Aryn rice cereal for a little over a month now but we've upgraded to multigrain cereal, bananas, and sweet potatoes. Bananas are so far a big NO, unless it's mixed with the cereal. But sweet potatoes are a HUGE hit and she loves them. Tonight? We're trying carrots. I've decided to bypass peas since Ryan is so allergic to them, I'm scared she may be too.



- Sleep. Aryn and sleep have a love/hate relationship. She loves naps - she'll sleep for an hour here, 2 hours there, and she can only stay up for about 2-2.5 hours at a time before needing a nap. But at night, she gets up at least twice, sometimes thrice, sometimes 18 times. It's exhausting. I've tried literally everything to get her to stay asleep. Last night I shut off the monitor and pretended I couldn't hear her. Sorry honey, but it had to be done. It was the first time you've ever stayed in bed from midnight-7am without me coming in to feed you. It was nice. I am hoping it becomes a new trend.


- Walks. Aryn is becoming more fun on walks - she can sit there and look around, and actually stay awake for the greater part of the walk. I've realized at this stage that I really don't like her stroller. It leans too far back, but I don't want to buy her a new one. *sigh*


- Aryn is now out of her bucket carseat and into a standard carseat. I found that she threw up way too much in the bucket (laying too far back, knees bent too far into stomach) and I've really fallen in love with the standard carseat. It's cowmooflage, and mommy LOVES it!!!!


- Sitting Up!!!!! Today, on your 6-month birthday, you sat up without any help and not falling over after a few seconds. You sat up by yourself for a couple minutes and grabbed toys and grabbed at Bauer and didn't fall over!!! Mommy was sooooooo proud of you!! You did eventually fall over and fell flat on your face, but you just laughed and rolled onto your tummy to play. Augh Aryn, mommy LOVES YOU!!!


What else.... you just make us laugh every single day!! Your new smile is where you squint your eyes and just give the biggest smile you can possibly give - it's friggen hilarious and I have taken about a billion photos of it so far!! You are hilarious and I'm learning everyday ways to make you laugh (which really isn't hard!)



Mommy and daddy love you sooo much, Aryn!!! Happy 6 months!! We can't wait to see what joy you bring to our lives over the next 6 months!!!



  1. happy 1/2 bday Aryn!!

    she sure does take drooling seriously, doesn't she?? hahah!

  2. Haha Nicole you have NO IDEA!!!!!

  3. She just gets more adorable all the time!!! Love the squinty eye smile!


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