Incidentally, Aryn decided to celebrate her 23rd gestation week by waking me up 10 minutes before the alarm clock by kicking me repeatedly, and using my bladder as a pillow. I can't lie... it's a great way to wake up! I just wish it was 10 minutes later ;)
Nothing else exciting happened this week. We started pre-natal classes on Wednesdays from 7-9pm. We both really enjoyed it, and our first class we learned a lot of stuff - and I thought I knew a LOT already! I found out that my frequent nose bleeds and bleeding gums were all quite common, which is comforting. I know a girl in the class, so we already have someone we know so yay! Next week we get to watch a video of a live birth... I'm really nervous about the video hahaha.
But seriously, other than that nothing else is new or exciting with us. I read that if Aryn was born today, she'd have an 85% chance of surviving such an early birth, which makes me very happy - not that I think I'm going into pre-term labour or anything, but it's just comforting to know. We've also bought a few more things - a new playpen that works as a bassinet when Aryn is first born, and just a few other things. I can't wait to start decorating the baby room! I have to get rid of that massive king bed first though haha. It's all coming together! All we need now, is a baby!
Welcome to parenthood. Haha. They will always wake you up 10 minutes before your alarm. Even if you set it 10 minutes earlier. ;-) Best job in the world though!
ReplyDeleteI meant to share this link with you weeks (months?) ago:
oh, and this one too:
natural birth videos.
It helps me a lot to read positive birth stories and watch videos of successful natural births without all the hysteria and scary-ness of some hospital situations.