Aryn is 5 weeks, 2 days old today. Update:
Length: 23"
Weight: 10 lbs 13 3/4 ounces
The kid is growing like a weed!!!
So the last 2 nights she's been sleeping for ~7 hours. WOW. Put her to bed at 9pm, she's up at 4am. Last night she was put to bed at 9, woke up at 9:20 and I got her back to bed at 10pm. She still slept til 4:20am. I am LOVING it! I hope this is a new trend. God, I'm talking to YOU!! After I get up and feed her, she falls back to sleep at around 5/5:30am and sleeps until 8:30-9am. I've been sleeping until she wakes up as well. It's been great, and I feel like a new woman. I feel like I can actually drive somewhere and feel confident that I'll get there in one piece hahaha
- Aryn's bum has cleared up a LOT. I was putting on so many medications and ointments and I just finally decided to STOP. No more. Now, I wipe her bum with a wet facecloth and she is officially in cloth diapers. Her rash cleared up in no time. There is still fragments of it, but it doesn't seem to bother her until I use a wet wipe rather than a wet facecloth. Those wet wipes are murder on her poor little bum, the poor thing!!
- I am LOVING CLOTH DIAPERS!!! We've had 2 leaks, and both times I just put the diaper on wrong. Sometimes you think you're doing it right but you're not. Grrrr... But honestly, I love it. They are easier to do than regular diapers and they are just so much better for her sensitive little bum.
- SMILES. Oh my goodness, those smiles. They don't happen as often as I'd like, but this is deadline week for the magazine so I'm busier than normal so I haven't been spending the regular amount of "cooing time" with Aryn to make her smile.
- Friends. Aryn met the Matson girls on Tuesday. I'm so glad I got to see Christa, Tiffany, Jenelle and Elaine that day, and I'm even happier they all got to meet Aryn. Even though she cried the whole time we were at their house, and spit up all of her lunch, and wouldn't calm down. But she DID smile for Tiffany, and that was awesome. You know what I hate... when someone is dealing with the loss of a loved one and the first thing you say to them when you see them is "Hey, how are you?" Duh. How are they? Their dad just passed away, how do you think they are? Then you realize what you said and you kinda wanna take it back but then it brings to light exactly what you really did say. It's a vicious cycle and one that really bothers me. What do you say to someone who just suffered a significant loss? "Hi, life sucks sometimes, hey?" There weren't enough hugs in the world to give to those women on Tuesday, and I'm glad Aryn made Tiffany laugh for even a split second as she gave her a big toothless smile.
Here's a photo of Aryn and Christa's baby girl Piper, who was born 12 days after Aryn
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