So... I took that as a sign that she wanted to go to Drumheller.
Never mind that we were watching a lion on TV. Nope. That had nothing to do with it.
So we quickly got ready, got in the car, and drove out to Drum. It's only about an hour away and a totally different world.
Baby and mama had a great day together, just cruising through the museum and going for a walk along the path. Baby and mama days are the best. And she was awesome. Man, I love this kid.
It was a day of, "Mama WOAH"'s and lots of smiles. Baby girl even smiled AT the camera. Kudos to her friend Anna's mom for teaching her the "cheese!" and cheesy grin at the camera. Life saver.
I don't know what happened to this photo but I love it!
I also discovered that my kid is a giant. A 4-year old before us was the same height. A 4-year old.
Aryn also re-discovered her love of moving animals. We stayed at the turtle for almost 20 minutes. Ryan, can we get a turtle?
We even went to the World's Largest Dinosaur. Yeah, that's right. Do you see her?
Bean would flip her shit, I'm positive. I'm glad you and Aryn had just a great time!