Friday, September 21, 2012

I know, I know... I have been awful at blogging the past week. There are so many factors as to why. Namely, after Aryn's birthday party on Saturday, she came down with her second bout of Hand Foot Mouth disease, and it's deadline week. So I'm spending more time at the computer sending off emails and getting ads than taking photos and thinking about what adventures we've gone though this week. And there really hasn't been much adventuring this week. It's been a slack week... we quarantined ourselves at the risk of infecting others. Not that it matters; pretty much every little at Aryn's party got HFMd. Where it came from, none of us know for sure.


I'm not a germaphobe. I like Aryn being around kids who are sick because it builds immunity. I don't care if she has a stuffy nose or a little bit of a fever. We deal with them, and don't really give it much attention or thought. In March, when she first came down with HFMd, it ended up being 2 full months of one sickness after another, so we pretty much have this new outlook of, if we could handle that, we can handle anything!


But I am really annoyed with this bout of HFMd. It has really affected our lifestyle. I like taking her for walks, and playing at the park, and playing outside, and having fun zoo dates with her friends and grandparents. And because of this, our whole lives have been put on hold. I'm grateful that the Health Link told me that it's not that big of a deal and we don't need to be in quarantine, but I still don't want anyone to get this so we're self-quarantining ourselves. And I'm annoyed by it.

But I digress.

Little Miss is throwing quite a fit here... they have become a recurrence and humorous addition!

Despite the big black and white blisters on her poor feet, this kid is a ball of energy this week. From running around the island 15 times, giggling the entire time, to zipping from one toy to the other, it's been a hectic week. Deadline weeks are never fun toddler-wise. All she wants to do is play and all mama can do is work!


The toys this kid got for her birthday proved how spoiled she is, and has really been a blessing keeping her entertained this week. We've discovered which ones keep her entertained the best: the (loud) piano from Hunter, the Mr. Potato Head family from her friend Grace, and the dress-up clothes from Keegan. This is not to say that she does not LOVE all of the other toys (I mean, she was ridiculously spoiled), but these toys have moved into our living room and have set up shop and are not allowed to be moved. While this makes for a messy living room, I don't really care. Baby girl loves her some toys!


Despite this being a crazy week, it's been filled with so much wonderfulness. Our bedtime cuddles have gotten so much more enjoyable, with Aryn just wanting to lay there being held and cuddled, a short story read to her ("I Love You Through and Through" is a favourite), and listing off the body parts ("Eye, Nooo, Mow, Eeee." It's music to my eeeee's.)

I love you through and through, baby girl.
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, too.


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