Friday, September 10, 2010

38 Weeks

Notice the lack of exclamation mark.

Still nothing happening. Contractions are stronger today but apparently that means nothing when it comes to me. However, I did get woken up 4 times last night with contractions. So that could mean sometime in the next 2 months she'll make her entrance.

In all honesty, it's not THAT bad. It's just been 2 weeks of constant labour, contractions, etcetera. I am uncomfortable, exhausted, and frankly if EVERY SINGLE doctor I've talked to hadn't said "VERY SOON", I'd be fine!! But when they get your hopes up that everything will be happening right away and then it doesn't... that's why I'm in a bit of a grumpy slump.

That, and the fact that all these same doctors keep saying "woah, she's gonna be a big girl!" and I'm not even at my due date honestly throws some fear into my heart that I'm going to give birth to a 15 lb toddler.

1 comment:

  1. A lot IS happening!! You're body is working really hard and taking it nice and slow for you so you can be in the comfort of your home. I know it is beyond me...a year and a few weeks ago I was living in the same 'hell'. My drs told me, "I'll see you next week if you don't go before then." "Shouldn't be much longer!" UGH They should know better than to say those things! You were created for this very moment, Denise. God created your body to perfectly carry and deliver your baby girl however long it takes and however big she ends up being. Lots of love and hugs and encouragement your way!!! xo


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