Thursday, September 30, 2010


I am in love with this little girl but I have to admit: I'm exhausted!!

She sleeps pretty good from about 4pm until about 4am and then it's waketime. I've tried keeping her awake but to no avail. Of course, I don't go to sleep until about 9:30pm or so, so.... by 4am I'm pretty exhausted. I've had a few crying fits begging Aryn to go to sleep but nooooooo!!

Hmm... gotta figure out how to change the 4pm sleep cycle to about 8pm.... gonna try that tomorrow.

FYI, she is still the cutest thing ever. That red hair though.... it creates QUITE the temper!!!!


  1. red hair really and truly comes with a temper. no joke!

    and if you're sleeping from 9:30 to 4am you're getting almost 7 hrs - that's pretty dang good for a two week old! that's more sleep than I'm getting. :-/

  2. Oh I'm not sleeping from 9:30-4am!!! I am up at least 2 or 3 times in between there with her - she is just wide awake at 4am!!!


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