Tuesday, August 28, 2012

No more bunny

So we got rid of the bunny. A lady who lives just out of town with a nice acreage and a bunch of animals (including baby ducks, a cat, a German Shepard and a Doberman - which, I will admit, both terrified me when I pulled up. Thankfully, it didn't last once I got nudges and kisses from both large dog!). He is apparently quite happy and adopting the chicks as his (or her?) own. I do not miss the bunny, nor does Bauer, and Aryn doesn't seem to have noticed that he is no longer here.

In case anyone was inquiring!

I haven't blogged much this week because it was deadline week. I love my job, but deadline week is hard on us all because I spend more time on the computer than I do hanging out with Aryn. And why do I work? Because of Aryn. So... it's a catch 22. Thankfully, I love my job.

So I have lots to catch up on!

Aryn is extremely lucky to have such amazing grandparents. On Sunday, her grandma Diana (Ryan's mom) came to visit, and on Monday (and every Monday!) my parents came at 9am, picked my baby girl up and drove her to Calgary for a day at the zoo!

And while I have no photos to catch their day of fun, I did get one emailed to me:


Cutest. Bear. Ever.

This week, in between phone calls, emails and meetings, I managed to take a few moments to do something I've wanted to do for a long time: set up Aryn's play room under the stairs. I hope that one day it will be an entire room devoted to Aryn and perhaps another sibling one day in the future, but for now, this is what we got. And I love it, and Aryn does too.

Exact words, "Mommy, WOAH! Woah! Mommy!" then high pitched squeals of childhood delight. All the work, cut fingers, and dirty knees was worth it.



Photobucket Photobucket


And today, after the drive home from Calgary and a nap refusal, we came outside and Aryn played with the "big kids" next door. She did whatever they asked her to do, and she giggled and laughed the entire time. She tried so hard to act like a "big girl," and the actual big girls loved her to bits.

She even had to sit like them.







I was all too happy to cuddle my baby girl and some squealing fun play time on our brand new couch downstairs, instead of her continuing to mimmick the 10-year old girls. Baby has mad skills, but she (gratefully) still needs her mama. I can't blame her.


Now to read, "I Love You Through & Through" and tuck my baby girl in to bed, in hopes of dreams of candy and puppies, instead of Justin Bieber and training bras.


OPINIONS WANTED: new logo? Yay? Nay? Do you notice the super cute pig tails on the "G" in Ginger? :)


  1. It is cute, but I do like the old logo better. :)

    1. I LOVE the play room under the stairs! I want one, for me. Maybe that's what I'll do to our under the stairs, make it my special little place!!! Good for Aryn in a big girl bed;-) Love the pig tails!


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