Saturday, August 4, 2012


We did something we have never done before. I was nervous and anxious to do it, and I was pleasantly surprised when things turned out fantastic. 

Aryn napped in our bed. 

Parents who co-sleep are amazing. Ryan and I are not people who can do it; we like our space, we like to move around when we sleep, and we have a little black dog who takes up 3/4 of the bed. Adding a kicking toddler, and there really would be no sleep being had by anyone. But, one such toddler did not want to nap and instead of fighting it, we cuddled in the "big bed," with Elmo quietly lulling us to sleep in the background. This is the first time I have ever slept with my baby and it was fantastic.

She looks super grumpy here because I woke her up with my camera flash. Whoops!

We napped. We napped for quite awhile. We napped cuddled up to each other, her head touching mine, and I fell into dreamland listening to her soft, sweet breath. 

It was fantastical. 

It didn't last long for me; I had to do one thing I positively despise in life. There is not much I hate. There is plenty that drives me bananas, like poor grammar, bad drivers, and people who wear socks with sandals, but there is not much I hate. 

Well, I hate cleaning.


And I'm bad at it, too. Which is why I don't do it often. So there.

Cleaning done, dishes put away, and computer off. A great Friday afternoon.



Photobucket Photobucket

And don't forget snacks on the floor. Shhh; don't tell daddy!


Friday marked the first day of the annual Strathmore Rodeo, and we kicked it off with a good ol' fashioned pancake breakfast at the local grocery store. 


The kids cried, yelled, screamed, laughed, and each one of them smiles wide, even during the brief rain we had, when the clown stopped by with his dog puppet. Because what is nicer than a real dog? A dog puppet.



And then there was the parade. The galloping of horses, delighted squeals of children, and crash of candy hitting the pavement made for a wonderful time. And Aryn looked on in utter amazement.






Candy, toys, hats, water bottles, and freezies made this little girls day even better than anything I could have done for her. She loved every minute of it, except perhaps the firetruck horn honks that not only scared her, but quite a few other kids in the vicinity. But oh, did they have fun.


I hope her dreams tonight are filled with sparkly horses, miniature ponies, brightly coloured puppy dogs, and mechanical dinosaurs. I hope yours are, too. Sweet dreams. 



  1. I can't believe you never ever slept with her ever. I can't fathom doing it now with a crazy toddler, but when M was little bity I wouldn't have been able to cope without her right next to me, waking up every 2-3 hours. Was she in your room in a bassinet? Or straight away into her own room in her crib? I've always wondered what that'd be like for a BFing momma. Your success made me wonder if I could get M to nap with me, now, in our bed even though she's bigger and crazier now.... hmmm.....

    1. She was in a bassinet until 3 months and then in her crib! We had lots of rocking chair cuddles. It was perfect for us :)

  2. I LOVE your pictures! I'll clean your house for you if you can teach me to take pictures like you;-) Oh and Bauer doing his Sun Salutation is so cute!!!


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