Her first night in a "big kid bed."
Incidentally, it was also her first, "get on the counter to snoop through the treat cupboard." I blame daddy, who is clearly at fault.
Our little girl has been sleeping in her 'big kid' crib bed for a few months now. Having only fallen to the floor once, it proved to be a good decision since she was clearly too big and too adventurous to be in her closed-in crib any more (the thud of her adventures were the confirming factor).
The day bed crib was great for awhile, until we realized that, for a kid who's already wearing 3T and 4T clothes, it was just too small for her... and she had a habit of sticking her little chubby legs in the bars, falling asleep, and needing rescue after a couple of hours. FYI: it's not easy to retrieve two chubby sleep-filled feet out of crib bars. So, decision time: twin bed? Double? Day bed? On the frame? On the floor? What?
We went with a double bed. On a frame. Solely for the fact that my parents had an extra one and I didn't have to buy her a brand new bed. Cheap? Yes. Awesome? Better believe it. And, for Aryn's 2nd birthday present (that post is going to be a ball full of tears and tissues!) we got her a bedding set. I went with cheap sheets (come on, as parents, we all know how often bedding is changed in the course of even one fateful night of sickies) and a really nice comforter that was not so cheap.
As much as it's my style more than Aryn's, we love it. And by 'we', I mean all of us.
She is hiding here, pooping, and refusing with every fibre of her being to NOT go to the potty. *sigh*
Awesome light, courtesy of Ikea!
Sweet dreams to you all. I had better go check on my hyper little almost-two-year-old and see if she's finally fallen asleep. Word to the wise: if you leave a used coffee filter on the counter, super tall toddler hands will find it and will eat it. Word to the wise #2: toddlers on a caffeine fix are not fun.
To butterfly dreams.
I love this kid. Just saying.