Friday, March 12, 2010

12 Weeks

Today was our 12-week ultrasound, which wasn't as exciting as it was going to be since we got to see our little bean on Wednesday, but it was still exciting! We got to see him/her dance and jump and we got to hear the heartbeat! What a sound! I am so in love with this little bean I can barely stand it! I want to meet you! Grow quicker!!

The test today was a Nuchal Translucency test. It tests if there's extra chromosomes (i.e., Down Syndrome) or other mental retardations. They wouldn't tell us at the apt so we'll find out most likely on the 22nd of March when it's my next apt. I'll be sure to fill you all in!

Yesterday was the sickest I've ever been, and today I'm back to full doses of Diclectin so I've been feeling MUCH better. I actually made it to/back from Calgary without throwing up! YAY ME! But I know it's still there because I am still getting waves of nausea, so hopefully it all clears up soon. A good friend just told me sometimes it gets worse before it gets better - I'm hoping she's right!!!

So, since it's 12 weeks today, that means I only have 28 weeks to go!! SO MUCH TO DO!!!! I can't wait to start!!!!

PS. We've told almost EVERYONE now!  YAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nuchal Translucency test. lol. Keeping everything crossed it comes back fine!


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